Nic.Biz.ly provide a Free Domain Name, a free subdomain of .biz.ly domain name to everybody who wishes to get a free domain name with the TOTAL DNS control Before making a decision to sign up for a free domain name @ .biz.ly with full DNS support, please take a minute to review the features of Nic.Biz.ly free domain service. Nic.Biz.ly Free Domain Name Service Features: 1. This service is ONLY for developed sites. Nic.Biz.ly provide a free domain name service with full DNS support ONLY for web sites that are (1) in ENGLISH, (2) intersting for general public, (3) already developed, (4) get at least 100 daily visitors and (5) have a kind of quality website design. Nic.Biz.ly does NOT provide any services for such types of sites like personal homepages, clan sites, adult related sites, future/under-construction projects and more. 2. No any Instant Account activation. By submitting the form below you send your application to the administrator for approval. And the administrator approve/reject applications manually. So, if you know that your web site does not meet the requirements, please do not lose your and our time, but just click the little cross in the top-right corner of the window, thank you. 3. Link Back to Biz.ly is required. Yes, Nic.Biz.ly provides free domain name service with Full DNS support absolutely FREE (no any hidden charges) and we do not add any forced ads (no banners, no popups, no delay pages, etc.) to free accounts. However, we do REQUIRE a link back to Biz.ly to be added right to the main/first page of your .biz.ly site. 4. No Technical Support is provided. It is supposed that the applicant knows how to setup and work with domain names, how to set DNS records and how to use different DNS features. 5. Or you could consider easy free hosting and free domain services by Hosting.biz |
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